Sunday, November 29, 2009

I Will Miss You

I enjoyed this class. I wish everyone good luck in the future. I'm on facebook and twitter my email is If I can help in any way please let me know.

EDM 310

1. I was technology illiterate before EDM 310. Just about everything I learned in this class was new to me. But what I enjoyed the most was the information on Google. I have a very outdated computer and can not afford to buy one this semester. Learning about Google was a big help this semester and it help me save time because I didn't have to go back an forth to the school. I also meet a group of new friends. We did a podcast about Blogging in the Classroom.

2.The class only meet once a week and a lot was packed into one class period. I really did not understand the concept of iTunes. Everything was new to me.

3. I feel that everything I learn will be useful as a teacher. I am excited to get into the classroom and integrate technology and elementary learning.

4. This as a very exciting class because I was very technology illiterate. Just learning the technology and the different ways to use it in the classroom excites me.

5.Nothing was really intellectually challenging. Everything was easy to process and so things, like spreadsheets, you just had to practice.

6. A lot of the thing we had to post about was very boring. Less post and more projects. Maybe not more projects but spread them throughout the semester. We were giving a lot of projects the month in the semester and I worked more on them then my post.

7. Less post more Projects

8. On the scale I am GOOD but I know technology change daily and I must keep up..

9. I will incorporate what I have learned into the classes I will take in the upcoming semesters. I will keep my PLN because I feel that it is a very good networking resource.

Doug Johnson

Seven Stupid Mistakes Teachers Make With Technology

This article was a real eye opener. As a student and a parent I take technology for granted. Read below to see how I feel about the mistake Dough Johnson talk about in his article, "Seven Stupid Mistakes Teachers Make With Technology"
1. Not backing up data. My first semester at the University of South Alabama, I saved everything is a folder on my desktop and I had a printed copy. Two week before the end of the semester my computer caught a virus and everything was deleted. Luckily I had a printed copy, but it took days to retype everything for foliotek. How much time would I have saved if I had a junk drive?

2.Believing that one's teaching style need not change to take full advantage technology. Times are changing and so should your teaching style. Technology has made
it easier for student to encounter first hand experiences. It has also made it easier and faster to gather more information about a subject. As a teacher you have to always be willing to change.

Doug also talks about Seven Brilliant Thing Teachers Do With Technology
1. Empower kids with technology.
2.Creatively find and use resources.
3.Make conferencing real time.
4.Put kids in touch with the world.

5.Except the role of co-learner.
6.Use the kids own devices to teach them.
7.Delight in the discovery, the newness, and the fun that technology hold.

These seven items collectively is what I feel will help me make it through my first three years of teaching. I have hard the the first three are the hardest because teachers just teach. With technology, I feel it is easier to keep kids motivated. If your students enjoy learning, you will enjoy teaching them. Student get excited when it comes to technology. Just think a student from Chatom, Alabama learning about real time experiences in Germany. It excites me!

New Classroom Rules

1. Come to school every day, unless you would rather go on line. I have taken on line class and they are very convenient. I could log in when I have time during my busy schedule. On line or going to campus everyday, the most important part of learning is making sure you are their. I you don't go to class you are bound to miss out on important information, and you can not ask questions if you need help.

Keep your hand to yourself, but share all your ideas and knowledge with others in you PLN. I have learned as a student that you want a PLN, classmate, and teacher to SHARE! Exchange ideas, projects, or website is very beneficial for everyone.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

At the Teacher's Desk

How to Get More Visitors
Consistency is very important. My uncle owned his own business for the past 10 years. He has had the same address and phone number because it makes it easier to locate the business. For your blogs, I feel that it is very important to keep your blog up-to-date. If you don't visit your blog why should anyone else. When posting to your blogs make sure you check for grammatical and spelling errors. I never thought about the title to blogs but it makes sense to put a title your visitors will Google.


Social Networking
Searching the web can be a tedious task. If you have a social network it could cut the task in half. Within your personal learning network there is bound to be someone who knows exactly where to get the information you need. Your personal learning network should help you get a grip on "the subject." Make sure your PLN has great mentors.

  1. Use the same user name across tools
  2. Share as much as you take
  3. Ask as much as you answer
  4. Try new TOOLS before you decide they’re not worth the time
  5. Comment on other people’s blogs
  6. Life long learning is the key!
Positive Digital Portfolio
Watching the news or a youtube clip can be very depressing. We, adults and teens, tend to catch the bad. Watch this teen tip. Is this funny? We often laugh at the videos like this but I personally feel a little embarrassed. Embarrassed by the name and the content of the video because they forgot to mention how drunk driving causes accidents. As a teacher I will encourage my student to look at the positive outcomes of life.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Why is it important for students to post their work to blogs!

Enjoy this video PS22 Chorus "Landslide"

Why is it important!

Reason 1

When you post your work to a blog, a potential employer, a fellow colleague, or even the president of the United states could be following your blog. Posting your work to a blog can give everyone who reads it more ideas. If you are a second grade teacher and you post a blog about how to deal with tattlers, this would be a blog that I feel that I could benefit from as a 1st year teacher. You can post a resume for future employers and this not only tells them that you are competent but also technology literate. Being technology literate in 2009 is what most employers are looking for.

Reason 2

I was listening to WABB about 2 week ago and a mother had called-in wanting to know what should she tell her 13 year old daughter about boys. The Morning Guys set up a bog letting their listeners give this mother ideas. I feel that parenting blog are good because there is bound to be one parent that has went through what you are going through now. And parenting is one of the hardest jobs on earth, because there is no right or wrong way. Check out this parenting blog. Talking to Teens about Marriage

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Michael Wesch

Toward a New Future of Whatever

Personal Democracy
Do we let media predict our out come? I understand the different between being “How I should be” and being me. We get so caught up in materialistic things that we lose ourselves and our values. How communication through media affects the way people perceive things is the study of media ecology. The video bar to the right has clips of media ecology. One of my favorite clips is the Wizard of Media Ecology. It made wonder what would happen if we “turned it (media) off.”

Media has a big impact on student because it does shape our culture.In high school I searched for identity and recognition, but it was not my own identity. I want to be “tall and beautiful,” just the way society shows it. The media is not all bad; sometime it can help us come out of our shell. Like Wesch was saying about Youtube we will do thing that we normal would not do because there is no one staring at us. There in no one there to say we are doing it wrong, this space on Youtube seems so private but we know that it is one of the most public places on earth.

I feel that one of the best aspects of new media is that it gives us a chance to get to know about other people and their culture. The new media such as Twitter, Skype, and Facebook offer was to communicate with anyone around the world.

Monday, November 2, 2009

State Initiatives and Programs

Alabama Department of Education


Alabama’s new educational web portal where teachers and administrators can find courses of study lesson plans, and web resources aligned to Alabama Course of Study content standards. ALEX is designed to share many types of educational material and information through a simple resource for parents, students, and teachers. Many of these resources or connected to ACOS. ALEX has links related to course of study, web, lesson plans, searches, personal work space, professional learning, podcast treasury, and a help link.

ACCESS (Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educator and Students Statewide)is a distance learning program. It provides opportunities and options for Alabama public high school students to engage in Advanced Placement, elective, and other courses to which they may otherwise have access to. If you have any questions about the who, what, and when of ACCESS check out FAQ

I feel that both ALEX and ACCESS are very good programs. ALEX is a one stop resource with basically any material, ideal, or link to help with planning an activity, helping with homework, or tutoring. And I feel that ACCESS is a great college prep program. It teaches student how to manage time as if they are taking an online college class. It is a great way to teach self discipline.