Sunday, August 30, 2009


SmartBoard Lessons Podcast
One of the most interesting things about the podcasts is how it allows you to explore web sites while listening to a discussion about the topic. Ben Hazzard and Joan Badger discussed how to integrate videos into math lesson. Mathematics in Movies is a series of movie clips related to math. There are also links such as Teaching SmartBoard that gives step by step instructions how to use the Smart Board. This was my first time experimenting with podcasts. These podcasts were very insightfull. I really enjoyed the video podcast in the Kidcast. The Kidcast talked about how to go to different formats (audio to video). One of the main reasons to use video podcasts is to catch nonverbal interaction or to demonstrate something.

If you visit iTunes you can find numerous of podcasts on almost any subject you can think of. For the most part they all have the same format. They put me in the mind set of a radio station. At the beginning they have an attention getter.

More Podcasts
MacBreak Weekly
This Week in Photography

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Next Generation Learning

ICT seem to be a great program to get schools involved in technology. Having technology in the class allows students to explore all the possibilities of a topic. However, I still feel that student need as much hand on as possible. If you are teaching your student about plants, I feel they will enjoy planting a seed and watching it grow more than watching a video.

I do enjoy technology. It allows you to be creative with topic that you can not explore hand on, such as the solar system. My daughter's school has a Smart Board which is an interactive white board. Her teacher let the students take turns at the smart board. And for the most part all the student know how to use it. The students also go the computer lab once a week. I would like for them to learn how to include technology such as digital cameras.

Technology is not all bad!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Media Rich

Micheal Jackson

(CNN) -- The Los Angeles coroner has concluded preliminarily that singer Michael Jackson died of an overdose of propofol, a powerful sedative he was given to help him sleep, according to court documents released Monday.

Los Angeles' coroner Dr. Lakshmanan Sathyavagiswaran reached that preliminary conclusion after reviewing toxicology results carried out on Jackson's blood, according to a search warrant and affidavit unsealed in Houston, Texas.

The affidavit outlines probable cause for search warrants of the offices of doctors who are believed to have treated Jackson.

The Associated Press is quoting a single law enforcement official, who says the L.A. County Coroner has ruled Michael Jackson's death a homicide. The Los Angeles County Coroner's office told CNN they had "no comment" on the report. An LAPD spokesman says the story did not come from their department.

The 32-page warrant said Dr. Conrad Murray, Jackson's personal physician, told a detective that he had been treating Jackson for insomnia for six weeks. Murray said each night he gave Jackson 50 mg of propofol, also known as Diprivan, diluted with the anesthetic lidocaine via an intravenous drip.

Worried that Jackson may have been becoming addicted to the drug, the Houston cardiologist said he attempted to wean him from it, putting together combinations of other drugs that succeeded in helping Jackson sleep during the two nights prior to his death.

But on June 25, other drugs failed to do the job, as he recounted to detectives in an hour-by-hour account that was detailed by detective Orlando Martinez of the Los Angeles Police Department:

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts

The video said it best, ''If you have only paper and pencils only certain types of students will succeed." As a mother I have found out that my daughter stays interested in things longer when she discovers information on her own. Exploration in the classroom is vital. Make your student put their thinking caps on, before you teach ask them what you think will happen next. I think this strategy helps build their critical thinking skill. I believe that giving them the software and letting them explore it and then letting them teach what they have learn to you is an awesome way to teach.

Teaching your student how to connect to the world is important. Technology is growing everyday and staying up-to-date is a very important commodity. In the next ten years will we use paper and pencils in the class? When my daughter was in kindergarten she learned how to get on the PBS Kids network. In the future I think that digital smart will be just as important as reading and math.

. Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity

I feel the same as Mr. Robinson, creativity is as important as any other subject. It is imperative that kids are not ashamed of their mistakes. As a child we are taught that "if at first you don't succeed, try, try, and try again." The very first time I made a pecan pie I used whipping cream instead of condense milk. I didn't write the recipe down; I tried to remember what I need. Well, the pie came out better than my grandmother's (whom I got the recipe from) and now she use whipping cream. Mistakes can be remarkable breakthroughs.

In the video he talks about being highly intelligent but not being able to express your talent because it's not politically correct. My brother who is now twenty three, took advance honors class, makes a living as an artist. As teachers I feel that we need to allocate the talents of our students in some part of the lesson. I feel that this will allow you as the teacher to keep the students attention. It is important to remember that kids learn better if they are include, meaning they like the way you are teaching. Students who like to draw will understand that 2+2=4 if he can draw 2 star plus 2 more stars instead of counting on his fingers.

Did You Know? 3.0

Technology is awesome! You can send an instant picture, pay bills, or take a class on-line. But, is it safe. If the information in this video is true are you surprised that the United States is falling behind? I'm not against all technology just not that fund of the Internet. I feel that too much information is shared over the net. Seriously, how hard is it to find information about making a destructive weapon or how to use or make a drug? And for the people that are more advanced, how hard is it to still someones identity? Most countries make it mandatory that their students learn English before they graduate from high school, but the U.S. make it optional to learn a second language. So its not surprising that China will soon be the #1 English speaking country in the world. Guess what's on the net: Web sites that teach you to speak a second language.

Since this video focus on how much people use the Internet, let's talk about how much you don't learn when you choose to use the net. Think about, if you have a report on rocks, will you learn more if you go to the library to check out books, go to the rock museum, and actually examine a rock or will you remember the report that someone else has already written? For me begin hands on help me learn, not just memorize.

I feel that we create problems. I love when time was simple. I love when people grew their own food and we did not have an obesity crisis. But I also love the discovery of radiation. It saved my Aunt's life. Can some one tell me where you find common ground?

Monday, August 17, 2009

1st Post

My name is Shukelia Mitchell. I have a daughter (Shaneva) that is eight. I work at Upscale Braid Shop. I have been working their for the past four years. I also attend the University of South Alabama. My major is elementary education. I am the cheerleader coach for Tiny-mite B at Municipal Park. I am the oldest out of six siblings. I am 27 and the youngest is 4 (smile). I have a very close family. What I enjoy most about my family is Sunday dinner at Granny Jean's house.

In my spare time I enjoy reading drama books. One of my favorite is The Coldest Winter Ever by Sista Soujah. I also enjoy teaching my daughter how to cook. We will try any recipe and sometime we have to try it more than once.

My birthday is today and I am enjoying every moment of it. I went to New Orleans over the weekend and my daughter to me to Waffle House this morning. My mother took me to Zea's. My boyfriend brought me to a coach purse. I have awesome family and friends!